The End of a Long Road
Alright, it took me a little longer than I had projected to finish my short discussion on the reasonableness of belief in the existence of God. Somehow, though its finished. One last thing, lets wrap it up.
began the series with my assertion that a very good case for the existence of God can be made cumulatively. That is, these arguments strengthen each other, but all of them do not fall if one of them falls.
Next, I
issued the evidence put forth by the Kalam Cosmological argument, with some of the Scientific evidence supporting its claims.
In review, the basic argument goes like this:
1. Everything that begins to exist has a cause
2. The Universe began to exist
3. Therefore, the Universe has a cause
Now, this did not prove the existence of God necessarily, but it did have some startling implications. This cause is spaceless, timeless, immaterial, and personal.
After the Kalam argument, my next two posts were Teleological arguments, or arguments from purpose or design.
first post draws evidence from the complexity of the universe, and it is inconceivable to believe it happened to be this way out of luck. It would take a designer for all of the intricacies to be just right.
But, if that were not enough, the
next post explains we find life is also too intricate to arise without a purpose. Life is irreducibly complex, and could not just happen randomly, or in small steps.
I then
moved to show evidence from the existence of an objective moral law. Our legislation requires a law giver, why would a moral law be any different.
Lastly, I
threw in a few more short arguments I think fun and helpful for belief in God.
Individually, the arguments are suggestive. Together, as a cumulative case, they make belief in God a completely reasonable stance.
The question becomes, "Which God?"
I suggest starting that search with Christianity.